Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mean & Green!

As one of my New Years Resolutions : I wanted to try to incorporate more juices and smoothies in to my diet to detox here and there. Not sure if it does much, but they taste good and keep you full for a few hours in between snacking! :-)
I tried this green smoothie yesterday after a grocery shopping trip that made me look like a rabbit at the check-out counter haha. All veggies basically!!

What You'll Need:
4 celery stalks
1 cucumber
1 cup of kale leaves
1/2 a green apple
1/2 a lime (juice squeezed)
1 cup of almond (or regular) milk
1 cup pineapple chunks

Blend away in a blender! (chop everything up before hand so it doesn't get stuck!)
& ENJOY! nom nom nommm. <3

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